What do I mean “Let’s get uncomfortable?” Why would anyone want to be uncomfortable? And on purpose? Am I loosing it? I have been so blessed in my life; beyond words to express. I am so dog-gone lucky, so why in the world would I be saying “Let’s get uncomfortable?!” I just want you to ponder this…… If you are warm and comfortable, in your own little cocoon, there is no growth happening. Growth is hard. It is cold. It is scary! But you know what?, “life begins at the end of your comfort zone!”

Because it is a new year, I’ve decided that I am using the mantra “New Year, New You” to motivate me to make those changes. I was going to have to get uncomfortable to take new steps in the right direction. I wrote down a few things that I knew needed some work  My house for one, is on the top of my list. As my children have grown up, and moved out, their empty rooms have been left behind and needed a little TLC. Yes it is bittersweet to clean out all the yearbooks and memories of their childhood, but I have to get uncomfortable. Right? Maybe a few tears too!

I decided I want to use one room as a work-out/ “Aromatouch Technique” room. I have been certified in this technique which is an amazing process of applying oils to the back and feet. It creates an overall felling of wellness. It is very powerful, yet simple. I invested in a massage table and I needed the space to set it up. So the number one goal was to clean out the ol’ bedroom. I worked on it a little each day, and it created the biggest disaster! There were things everywhere and I couldn’t hardly walk through the hallway. Was I uncomfortable? Yes! I couldn’t stand it!

We started by heading to Home Depot and we picked out some wall colors that would be fun and up-lifting. My artsy daughter chose moroccan sky, which is an orange shade;  a purple shade called heather sachet, and a light gray. I was thinking…”What the heck?…this is going to be awful, but I went with it. We got home and cleaned everything out of the room. Talk about time consuming and slow. That’s when things started piling up everywhere. OH!!, one thing I forgot to tell you, “I think I’m part hoarder.” NoIMG_0856IMG_0859 really!! I hate to get rid of things because one day I could possibly need it. So this task was difficult to say the least. I’m still having separation anxiety as it all sits in the garage to go to Goodwill. We painted the walls and it looks amazingly fresh and fabulous! I touched up the baseboards and doors with white gloss so the colors on the walls would pop! We got some new wall decorations from Target (50% off, gotta love it) and Etsy. We included a Himalayan salt lamp which I bought at Bed Bath and Beyond. It has many healing properties to help with allergies. (Read 10 Reasons to Have a Himalayan Salt Lamp). You know me,  trying to go for the natural approach.



So now, I challenge you to start taking steps toward your goals. Do you have anything you want to get started on in this new year? You can make it happen. One small step at a time. Pick one thing! It’s so motivating to see the results. Like “I did this!!” Yes!!


We got a lot done this weekend and decided to celebrate by making some granola. This is something that is super easy to do (minus breaking open the coconut). It is so much better for you than store bought brands. You know exactly what you’re adding. I love to eat my granola on yogurt, ice cream, or as a cereal with almond milk. It’s great on smoothie bowls if you’ve hopped on that train!! Here is my new granola recipe if you are looking for new, deliciously healthy options for this year.

Earthy Girl Granola

4 cups rolled oats
1 cup slivered almonds
1 cup chopped cashews
3/4 cups sunflower seeds
3/4 cups Pepita seeds (pumpkin seeds)
3/4 cup shredded coconut (if doing from scratch here’s how and don’t forget to freeze it first, because it will save your life, or your hardwood floors 🙁 at least!)
1/4 cup Sucanat (dark brown sugar replacement. Found( here)
1/4 cup maple syrup or to taste
1/4 cup olive oil
salt to taste (if the nuts you are adding are salted, you will want to decrease the amount used)

Preheat oven to 250. Mix the ingredients in a bowl, stir thoroughly, place on jelly roll pan or baking dish with sides. Cook for 1 hour and 15 minutes or 1 hour and 30 minutes if you like it crunchier. Stir every 15 minutes for an even, golden color.  Let cool, eat and enjoy!!  Store in Ziploc or Tupperware.

Sneek Peek: Next week I will be diving into all things composting and delicious smoothie bowls. I will be posting my blogs on Sunday nights around 7:00. I hope you all will join me each week as I embark on this new journey!




Leave a Reply to Angela Bradley

  1. Angela Bradley
    Jan 12, 2016

    I love the colors you chose for your workout / aromatouch room. Very nice !!
