Goobers and Giveaways!!

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So, last week I touched on a power house of a nut, the almond. I thought it would be perfect this week to transition to a nut that gets a bad rap, the peanut, also known as the goober! My brother actually nicknamed me Goober growing up haha! I was known as “The Goob”, probably because I acted like one!

Peanuts actually originated in South America and have been used for thousands of years. The Aztec and other Indian groups of South America and Mexico relied on peanuts in their diets. Explorers visiting this region were intrigued by this little nut and took it back to Africa. They grew well there and actually became known as a “sacred nut”. So when explorers were coming to North America, they brought the peanut plant with them.

George Washington Carver came up with over 300 uses for the peanut. Being that it is Black History Month you can watch the quick video about Carver and catch up on your history too! It’s very interesting. He was way ahead of his time!

I realize many younger folks are allergic to peanuts, but isn’t that strange. Back in my day, growing up, being allergic to peanuts was unheard of. It has to be due to the many toxins in our world that are ending up in our soil. So if you can buy organic, it’s best that you do so!

You can eat peanuts raw, on salads, in smoothies, or even just as peanut butter. I like to just munch on peanuts as a snack, but my daughter is a sucker for a good piece of Elvis Toast! Bread toasted to perfection, peanut butter, honey, bananas, and topped with cinnamon! Sounds yummy right?

So here’s an easy way to make your own peanut butter. I put the peanuts in my blender. I do have a Vita Mix, which is the bomb. If you want to invest in 1 kitchen appliance this is one I would highly recommend. It is an investment, but well worth it! I use mine everyday for some sort of food preparation or meal making. You of course can use any blender you might have to make this peanut butter. Don’t get scared off if you don’t have a Vita Mix.

You will need about 3 cups of peanuts. I usually add 2 types: I use lightly salted and also unsalted. You can use all unsalted but you will most likely need to add a little bit of salt. Do not use Planters brand “roasted”. They have a lot of “spices” added to them that you don’t want.

I always try to avoid any food that has MSG added. The scary part is that manufacturers are getting wise and if you ever see the word “spices” on your label….beware! They can put anything they want in this vague label of “spices” and usually there is MSG.


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3 cups of peanuts go into the Vitamix and then add some good quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil. (EVOO). I use about 1/8 cup. I add  honey granules which is a white sugar replacement. I typically add about 4 teaspoons. You can add more or less according to your taste. You know this is all subject to your taste! Just tweak these recipes to fit your likes. Recipes are just a guide line!

I turn on the Vita Mix and stir until all the peanuts are creamy. It takes a minute or so. I stop the mixer and I grab a spatula and scrape the sides to make sure it’s evenly mixed. I blend again for a few more seconds. If you like crunchy peanut butter don’t mix it as much, and if you like it more creamy maybe mix it some more! Just make sure to follow the directions for your appliance.


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Pour your fresh peanut butter into a mason jar and store in the refrigerator with a tight cap.

Enjoy, and think how much healthier this peanut butter is for your family. You know exactly what’s in it and it’s not loaded with sugar!

Now if you want to take this one step further and have a heavenly protein shake with peanut butter, here’s another great recipe: You will need 1 scoop Meal Replacement powder, 3/4 C almond milk, 1 Tablespoon homemade peanut butter, 1/2 banana, 1 cup of ice. Mix together and enjoy!

I hope you are enjoying this blog! Please follow me on Instagram @earthygirlliving. This week I am giving away a 15mL Wild Orange and a fantastic portable diffuser! The giveaway will be on my Instagram starting tomorrow at 10:30 am and I will be announcing the winner next Sunday! Make sure to follow me so you can have a chance to win!! Rules to enter will be found under the post tomorrow! Good Luck!

If you would like any information about the best oils in the world please contact me.


Naturally, Lisa
